Corporate Finance
We aim to lead companies in strategic corporate finance decisions
Business Valuation Tool
International Valuation Standard Council (IVSC) Membership Committee approved Sparta&Co's corporate membership at their membership approval meeting in April 2022.
Valuation Matters!
IVSC is an organization that has adopted the principles of consistency, transparency and fairness of standards by taking the International Valuation Standards to the next level with its work in London.
IVSC is the independent global standard setter for the valuation profession. The council set International Valuation Standards which promote consistency and professionalism in the public interest.
The IVSC comprises a network of more than 170 member and sponsor organizations from around the world. These organisations are working together, with the IVSC, to build confidence in valuation by developing one set of International Valuation Standards (IVS) and valuation professionalism.
Sparta & Co has been operating in the field of "Corporate Finance" since 2017, providing companies with sell side and buy side advisory, debt financing and public offering advisory.
Addressing global investors with its London office, which became operational in 2019, Sparta & Co provided two important public offering advisory services in 2022. Sparta&Co advised Bulutistan, a cloud technology provider company, on its %10,5 share acqusition by Sabancı Holding Private Venture Capital Investment Fund.
Sparta & Co provided 180 Million USD debt financing advisory to ABY Plastik (Kimpack) for its acquisition of Naksan Plastik. The acquisition financing concortium comprised of three bank in 2022.